Find resources and help
for yourself or someone else
Asking for help is the first important step.
Alcohol and other drug problems are treatable disorders. If you want to talk with a knowledgeable Information and Referral Specialist now,
Call 800-327-5050 or 617-292-5065
If someone you care about has asked for help, he or she has taken an important first step. If that person is resistant to help, see if you can at least convince him or her to get an evaluation from a doctor.
You can always take steps to locate an appropriate physician or health professional, and leave the information with your friend. You can call health professionals in advance to see if they are comfortable speaking with their patients about addiction. If not, ask for a referral to another doctor with more expertise in the area of addiction.
Connection is important in your path of recovery. With physical distancing a necessity during the current public health emergency, virtual recovery supports have emerged as a valuable way we can maintain that connection to others. Click here to find local, state, and national resources for meetings and other ways to connect.
Cape Cod Substance Use Resource Guide
Emergency Numbers
Services are available 24/7 unless otherwise noted.
Cape and Islands Emergency Services Program
Cape Cod Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Line
Emergency ASL Interpreter
Massachusetts Substance Abuse Helpline
Massachusetts Smokers Helpline
800-784-8669 (QUIT NOW)
National Suicide Prevention Line
800-273-8255 (TALK)
Poison Control and Prevention Line
Veterans Crisis Line
800-273-8255 (TALK), Press 1
The Massachusetts Substance Use Information and Education Helpline provides free and confidential information for finding licensed and approved substance use treatment and recovery services. The Helpline connects consumers with comprehensive, accurate, and current information about treatment services throughout Massachusetts.
Services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Language interpreters are available.
800-327-5050 •
Treatment System Map

There are many options to enter substance use treatment. Speaking with a medical or substance use professional can help you find where to start.
Treatment Service Descriptions
Acute Treatment Services (ATS)
Detox programs provide 24-hour nursing care, under the consultation of a medical director, to monitor an individual’s withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs and to alleviate symptoms. Typical length of stay is 3-5 days.
Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS)
Provides clinical stabilization services for clients leaving detox and provides stabilization services for clients needing acute treatment but not meeting criteria for medically-necessary detox services. Typical length of stay is 2-3 weeks.
Dual Diagnosis Services (DDS)
Dual Diagnosis services provide a comprehensive system of treatment and recovery from co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.
Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)
A less intensive program than a PHP. This outpatient program remains part of the continuum of care for an individual with a substance use disorder, providing structure and support for the individual as they transition back into the community.
Long Term Residential
A structured alcohol and drug free environment. Programs often last longer than 30 days.
Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT)
MAT can be used for opioid detoxification, but is more commonly used to provide ongoing support to individuals in recovery. While MAT is available for treatment of alcoholism, it has been used primarily in the treatment of opioid use disorder. There are three FDA approved medications for the treatment of opioid dependence - methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone (brand names Revia and Vivitol). Suboxone, which is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone is also used to treat opioid use disorder. Each may be used for long term maintenance therapy. The type of medication used will vary based on individual circumstances.
Outpatient Services
These services are located in the community and include:
- Medication Assisted treatment
- Counseling
- Self-help/mutual support groups
Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)
Part of the continuum of care, PHP's offer a transition from inpatient treatment, to a highly structured outpatient treatment.
Sober/Recovery Home
Places for individuals to live in a substance free environment after residential substance abuse treatment. Not all sober homes are regulated or monitored, they are often privately run. For a directory of Massachusetts certified sober homes, visit Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing at
Structured Outpatient Addictions Program (SOAP)
This outpatient program consists of short-term, structured, substance use disorder services used to assist individuals being discharged from Acute Treatment Services (ATS).
Transitional Support Services (TSS)
Short-term residential program for individuals who need further stabilization after detoxification. Admission is limited to clients discharged from detox or who are currently homeless. Typical length of stay is 3-4 weeks.
Inpatient Treatment - Southeastern MA
Multiple locations, MA
Available services:
Counseling - Individuals, group, family
Mental Health Services - DDS, IOP
Gosnold on Cape Cod
200 Ter Heun Drive, Falmouth, MA
Available services: Detox (ATS), Clinical Stabilization Services, Long Term Residential, Dual Diagnosis (DDS)
High Point Treatment Center
Plymouth Campus
1223 State Road, Plymouth, MA
Brockton Addiction Treatment Center
30 Meadowbrook Road, Brockton, MA
Available services: Detox (ATS), Clinical Stabilization Services, Transitional Support Services, Long Term Residential
386 Stanley Street, Fall River, MA
800-937-3610, 508-679-5222
Available services: Detox (ATS), Clinical Stabilization Services, Long Term Residential, Dual Diagnosis Services (DDS)
Outpatient Services - Cape Cod
AdCare • Multiple locations
Available services: Outpatient Counseling – IOP
Clean Slate • Falmouth, Hyannis, Plymouth, Wareham, MA
Available services: Medication Assisted Treatment, Outpatient Counseling
Community Health Center of Cape Cod • Bourne, Centerville, Mashpee, MA
Outpatient Counseling – Individual, group, couples, family, SOAP, Medication Assisted Treatment
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry, tele-psychiatry
Duffy Health Center • Hyannis, MA
Outpatient Counseling – Individual, group
Medication Assisted Treatment
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry
Gosnold on Cape Cod • Multiple Locations
Outpatient Counseling – Individual, group, family
Medication Assisted Treatment
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry, tele-psychiatry, DDS, PHP, IOP, SOAP
Habit OPCO South • Yarmouth, Wareham, MA
Outpatient Counseling - Individual, group
Medication Assisted Treatment
Harbor Community Health Center • Hyannis, MA
Outpatient Counseling - Individual, group, couples, MAT, DDS
Recovering Champions • Falmouth, Sandwich, MA
Outpatient Counseling - Individual, group, couples, MAT, IOP, PHP
Hyannis Veteran Center • Hyannis, MA
Individual, couples, and family counseling
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry
Outer Cape Health • Harwich, Provincetown, Wellfleet, MA
Outpatient Counseling – Individual, group, couples
Medication Assisted Treatment
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry
South Bay Mental Health • Mashpee, MA
Outpatient Counseling – Individual, couples, and family counseling
Mental Health Services – Psychiatry, DDS
Additional Services
Medication Disposal
Please do not flush your unwanted prescription drugs or dispose of them in the trash. Unwanted or expired prescriptions can be dropped off at the permanent drug collection kiosk located at your police station (open 24/7), multiple CVS locations, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe drug drop box in the Community and Government Center, and the Cape Cod Health Care, no paperwork necessary.
Saturday, October 26, 2020 • 10AM - 2PM
Barnstable Police Station • 1200 Phinney’s Lane
Bourne Police Station • 175 Main Street
Brewster Police Station • 631 Harwich Road
Chatham Police Station • 249 George Ryder Road
Dennis Police Station • 90 Bob Crowell Road
Eastham Police Station • 2550 State Highway
Falmouth Police Station • 750 Main Street
Harwich Police Station • 183 Sisson Road
Mashpee Police Station • 19 Frank Hicks Drive
Orleans Police Station • 90 South Orleans Road
Provincetown Police Station • 26 Shankpainter Road
Sandwich Police Station • 117 Route 6A
Truro Police Station • 344 Route 6
Wellfleet Police Station • 36 Gross Hill Road
Yarmouth Police Station • 1 Brad Erickson Way
Moms Do Care
The Moms Do Care project provides prenatal care coordination, substance use treatment, and peer recovery services for pregnant women with opioid use disorders. To enroll women must be over the age of 18 and a resident of Cape Cod.
Opioid Overdose Prevention Training
Naloxone is a non-addictive drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Free training and naloxone available at:
- Learn to Cope weekly meetings
- AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod
866-990-2437 | 508-778-1954
Provides free HIV, Hepatitis, and STD testing. Syringe disposal, needle exchange, and access to PrEP, as well as Narcan training and distribution. Locations are in Falmouth, Hyannis and Provincetown.
Family Support Groups
Friends and families of those who misuse alcohol find understanding and support at Al-Anon and Alateen meetings.
Gosnold Family Support Groups
Multiple dates and locations
The Gosnold Reaching Out program is a resource for family members and loved ones affected by substance use disorder.
Grandparents Advocacy Project (GAP)
Local support group that provides information and resources to grandparents raising grandchildren.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Serves as a resource on issues affecting grandparents and all relatives raising grandchildren.
Learn to Cope
Learn to Cope is a support group for parents, family members, spouses, and caregivers who have a family member with a substance use disorder.
Mashpee Substance Use Task Force | Drop-In-Night
Providing substance use information, education, and treatment resource options from local organizations.
The Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else's substance use disorder. As a twelve-step program, the program offers help by sharing experience, strength, and hope.
Parents Supporting Parents
Parents Supporting Parents is a group of people who have come together as parents and family members coping and dealing with children/loved one’s substance use disorder.
How to Recognize and Respond to an Opioid Overdose
Naloxone is a non-addictive drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opiate overdose. Available at:
- Hyannis AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod – 428 South Street, 866-990-2437 or 508-778-1954
- Naloxone training and distribution is available at weekly Learn to Cope meetings, more information at
- Local Walgreens or CVS pharmacies, no prescription needed
See an Overdose? Save a Life – Call 911
An overdose is a medical emergency. Look for these signs:
- The person has passed out or collapsed, or will not wake up
- The person is breathing slowly or not at all
- The person’s lips or nails are turning blue
- The person is having difficulty talking or walking
- The person is experiencing seizures or convulsions
Massachusetts Good Samaritan Law
Passed in 2012, the Massachusetts Good Samaritan Law encourages someone who witnesses an overdose to seek help from professionals by providing the caller, and the person who overdosed, protection from arrest and prosecution for drug possession. The goal is to protect people, so they are not afraid to involve emergency services as soon as possible.
The law protects the caller and overdose victim from arrest and/or prosecution for simple drug possession, possession of paraphernalia, and/or being under the influence.
Immediate medical help is critical when someone is experiencing an overdose. Please do not let fear of police involvement prevent you from calling 911.
Recovery Support Services
The Cape Cod and the Islands Alcoholics Anonymous
Mothers Helping Mothers |
Mothers Helping Mothers is a support group for women struggling with the emotional difficulties associated with substance use disorder and recovery during the pregnant and postpartum phases of life. Free childcare is provided. Check website for weekly support group schedule.
New England Region Narcotics Anonymous
PIER Recovery Center of Cape Cod
209 Main Street, Hyannis, MA
Free services include peer facilitated support, relapse prevention groups, social events, access to computers for job readiness/job search activities, and advocacy and recovery coaching.
6 Alphonse St., Falmouth, MA (corner of Rt. 28)
WellStrong offers both active and mindful activities for those in recovery, regardless of their ability to pay. Currently offering: Walk/jog program, Couch-to-5K, Yoga, Yoga of 12 Step Recovery, Refuge Recovery, Meditation, Strength Training Group Classes, Open Gym, and Movement Classes.
Recovery Without Walls
350 Gifford Street., Falmouth, MA 02540
Recovery Without Walls offers a structure, safety, support and stability to women living on Cape Cod following treatment for substance dependency. Our services are free of charge and include acupuncture as a primary tool to deal with the craving for substances of abuse.
Virtual Recovery Support
Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
General Information
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is providing guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities, and states including:
- Virtual recovery meetings
- Considerations for the Care and Treatment of Mental and Substance Use Disorders in the COVID-19 Epidemic
- Guidance for Opioid Treatment Programs including new MAT guidance
- Telemedicine information
- Congregate living recommendations
Download SAMHSA's Virtual Recover Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
State of Massachusetts
RIZE Massachusetts Foundation
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment
Local Virtual Recovery Resources
Pause A While
Offering daily virtual and dial-in meetings. A full list of meetings and times can be found on the Pause A While website
PIER Recovery Center
Visit for a complete list of virtual meetings
A fitness and wellness community for people in recovery from substance use disorder. Visit the website for a list of virtual and outdoor classes and meetings
Gosnold Family Education and Support Meeting
Peer-led peer support group facilitated by a Gosnold clinician
Zoom Meeting - Sundays 11:00am – 12:30pm
Zoom meeting ID: 499 635 631
Dial in: 929-205-6099
Drop-in Meditation
Mindful meditation practices facilitated by Joy Kingsbury
Zoom Meeting - Mondays 7:00–8:00pm
Zoom meeting ID: 102 243 928
Dial in: 929-205-6099
Together We Can
An All Recovery Group welcoming all fellowships and pathways
Zoom Meeting - Wednesdays 7:00–8:00pm
Zoom meeting ID: 194 335 786
Dial in: 929-205-6099
Herren Project Online Support Groups
Virtual support groups for spouses, families, grief, and parental support
Learn to Cope
Online support forum open to families, friends and loved ones who have someone in their lives who is struggling with substance use disorder
Recovery Build
Recovery Build Alternative Peer Group provides recovery support for teens with substance use disorder. Telehealth communication is available.
South Shore Peer Recovery
1:1 telephone recovery support
Teen Services
Addiction Recovery Management Services - Massachusetts (AMS) - Mass General Hospital
The Addiction Recovery Management Service (ARMS) specializes in supporting teenagers and young adults between the ages of 14 and 26 and their parents as they deal with their substance use and related problems.
Duffy Teen MAT Program
508-771-9599 ext. 281
This program combines medication assisted treatment with counseling and behavioral therapies for patients between the ages of 16 and 25.
Motivation Youth Recovery (MYR)
508-860-1244 or 508-438-5642
Acute detoxification and stabilization program for adolescents ages 13-16.
RecoveryBuild Youth Recovery (MYR)
In collaboration with Behavioral Health Innovators, Duffy Health Center staffs the Alternative Peer Group (APG), a place where teens come together with their peers to build the tools, skills, and relationships to deal with substance use challenges under the expert guidance of a Licensed Counselor, Recovery Coach and Recovery Peer Mentors.
Visit the Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline at and click on "SEARCH FOR TREATMENT" for additional teen services.