VAPING Toolkit
What do vaping devices look like?
Truth is, it's constantly changing and they often can look like other common products
Electronic nicotine delivery systems are commonly known as e-cigarettes but are also known as e-cigs, vape pens, e-hookahs, e-pipes, tanks, mods, vapes, and more. Some are made to look like regular cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Larger devices such as tank systems do not resemble other tobacco products. And some resemble pens, USB sticks, and other everyday items.
Common brands JUUL (#1), Sourin Drop, Bo, myblu, and VooPoo are pictured here:

E-cigarettes can be open or closed systems. Open systems require the user to add an e-liquid. Closed systems use pre-filled cartridges or pods. Many of the most popular systems with youth right now are Pod Systems – with the JUUL being the most popular.